Friday, November 23, 2007


Eight reasons to VOTE 1 SOCIALIST ALLIANCE above the line in the Senate (preferences flow to the Greens, other progressive parties, then Labor; Libs and rightwing parties come last)

1. Tear up all of Work Choices

No to individual contracts
Yes to collective agreements in workplaces and across industries
The rights of casual and part time employees to be the same as for full-time workers
Defend the right to strike
For strong and democratic unions
Get rid of the Australian Building and Construction Commission

2. Stop the destruction of our planet

The Socialist Alliance supports 60% emissions reductions by 2020 and 90% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.
Stop logging of old growth forest
Stop Gunns' pulp mill
No dredging of Port Phillip Bay
End the mining and processing of uranium and pull Australia out of the nuclear cycle
Implement an emergency program to phase out coal and rapidly make renewable energy the main source for the power grid
Bring all power industries under public ownership
Free and efficient public transport

3. Make poverty history, free health and education

Universal and free education and health systems
Medicare to cover optical and dental
More money for all levels of public education
No TAFE or university fees
A living wage for all carers, pensioners and unemployed

4. Fix the housing crisis

Stop the privatisation of public housing
Build new public housing to end the waiting list
Improve maintenance of public housing
End private rental profiteering
End repossession of homes due to increases in mortgage repayments

5. Bring the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan

Withdraw all foreign troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Let the Iraqi and Afghan people determine their future
War spending to be redirected for social services and to assist poor countries
Free Palestine
No war on Iran
Self determination for the Tamil people in Sri Lanka
No to Australia's imperialist role in Asia and the Pacific

6. Defend Aboriginal rights

Solidarity with Indigenous peoples’ struggles
No government intervention in Aboriginal affairs (Northern Territory and elsewhere)
Land rights not land grabs
No more black deaths in custody
Justice for victims of police racism like Redfern’s T. J. Hickey and Palm Island’s Mulrunji

7. Scrap anti-terrorism laws

Stop attacks on Islamic and Middle Eastern communities
Restore civil liberties lost under anti-terrorism laws
Free all people presently held under ‘anti-terror’ laws, like David Hicks, the Goulburn 9 and the Barwon 13, and drop the charges against the 3 Tamil activists
Stop harassment of Mamdouh Habib, and provide compensation for his ordeal

8. End all discrimination

Equal pay for equal work irrespective of sex, age or race
Repeal all laws that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation
Support same-sex marriage and adoption rights
Expand maternity leave and legalise abortion
All refugees welcome to Australia and be given full citizenship rights
Close all dentention centres and build Refugee Help Centres for new arrivals

Authorised by Dick Nichols: 23 Abercrombie Street, Chippendale NSW 2008