Monday, November 5, 2007

Walk Against Warming Sunday November 11

Join the tens of thousands of people who will converge on the Sydney Domain this Sunday, November 11, to demand real, immediate action to address global warming. Both the Coalition government and the Labor opposition are refusing to set short- or long-term greenhouse gas emissions targets that can seriously address the dangers of global warming. Neither of the major parties are prepared to buck the fossil fuel corporations -- the ``Greenhouse mafia'' -- by massively expanding renewable energy R&D and generation, public transport, and phasing out fossil fuels.

Instead Howard and Rudd promote the myth that non-existent ``clean coal'' will save the day (see Whoever wins the federal election, huge sums of public money will be handed over to the coal corporations to subsidise this fantasy. If that isn't bad enough, Howard wants nuclear power stations; Rudd wants open slather uranium mining.Socialist Alliance urges Mountains people to join the protest and add their voices to the growing demands for radical action now. Catch theWAW Mountains Express*!Catch the train from Mt Vic at 10.05amBlackheath 10.12amKatoomba 10.25amWentworth Falls 10.34amSpringwood 11.05amBlaxland 11.15am(*All stations actually; check the timetable for your station if not mentioned above.)For more information on what is really needed to tackle global warming, please check out Socialist Alliance's Climate Change Charter at