Friday, July 13, 2007

NSW State Socialist Alliance Conference

Newcastle to host SA state conference Saturday 21 July.

The conference will be held at the Yoga Hall, Steel St, Hamilton(opposite Gregson Park) and Local indigenous leader Arthur Ridgewaywill welcome participants.

The welcome will occur at 12.45pm.
A feature of the day will be a public forum on `change the system not the climate' (1pm to 2.30pm) with

* Graham Brown, retired coal miner, Save Anvil Hill campaigner

* Vanessa Bowden, Rising Tide

* Kamala Emanuel, Socialist Alliance (SA) Environment spokesperson

* Peter Kennedy, coal miner, Upper Hunter

* Paula Morrow, Greens candidate for Newcastle* Save Our Rail, representative

* Chair: Geoff Payne, SA candidate for Newcastle.

Plenty of time for discussion and questions. There will be discussion about other campaign work of the SocialistAlliance (including the federal election campaign, Stop Bush campaignfor APEC, campaign against Work Choices, anti-war movement and queerrights campaign).

The state conference will also preselect a NSW senate ticket for thefederal elections and will elect state convenors and a state executive.

In the morning prior to the conference there will also be SAcampaigning stalls in Newcastle and from 11.30-12.30 a sausage sizzlein Gregson Park.
There will also be a performance night in the evening after theconference is over and, on the Sunday morning, a trip to Anvil Hill.

This will be an open conference but only financial SA members will beable to vote. Help out with organising on the day (set up, catering,billeting etc) is welcome. Please ring 49265328 if you can assist.

Download the conference agenda at
Download the climate change forum leaflet at
See the latest Newcastle SA branch newsletter
Stephen O'Brien, Newcastle Socialist Alliance co-coordinator